SSL Certificates

Secure your site and add trust & confidence for your visitors.
With a range of brands, we have the right certificate for all your site security needs

Choose your level of validation

Domain Validation (DV)

Basic Security

Domain validation only. Issued in minutes. Ideal for blogs, social media & personal websites.


Organization Validation (OV)

Strong business level SSL

Basic identity verification. Ideal for small business websites and pages accepting sensitive information.


Extended Validation (EV)

Maximum Protection & Trust

Full identity verification. Ideal for Business & Ecommerce sites looking to provide maximum visitor confidence.


Not sure which to choose? Let us help you decide

What is SSL?

SSL Certificates are fundamental to internet security. They are used to establish an encrypted connection and allow data to be transmitted securely between a browser or user's computer and a server or website.

  • Establishes a secure connection between a browser and a server
  • Encrypts communication to protect sensitive information your customers provide to you
  • Places a padlock next to your web address in the browser
  • Authenticates an organization's identity

Standard SSL (Domain Validated) Certificates are the easiest and most common type of SSL certificate. OV and EV Certificates also authenticate the identity of the company or organization that holds the certificate providing more trust to end users.

With our SSL certificate services*, you won't need to take manual steps to configure and deploy new certificates every year. We generate a renewal order automatically when your certificate nears the end of its validity. After payment, we will automatically configure, validate, and provision your new certificate for you.

* Your domain must be hosted through the same hosting provider who sold the SSL certificate, and the server must use cPanel, Plesk, or DirectAdmin.

Improve Your Search Engine Ranking

Establish trust and online security for your website visitors and business.

Google wants to make the web safer and a big part of that involves making sure that the sites people access via Google are secure. That's why websites using SSL have been shown to benefit from higher ranking in search results.

There's also a lot more reasons why you should consider adding SSL to your website:

Encrypt sensitive data
Protect user privacy
Secure online transactions
Activate HTTPS and the lock icon
Prove legitimacy
Increase SEO rank

Browsers have changed, don't get left behind

Web pages not served via HTTPS are now being displayed as ‘not secure’ in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Don't let your website be one of them. Add SSL today.
Secure your site in minutes with our fully automated provisioning and deployment

Upgrade to Extended Validation SSL

While all SSL certificates use similar methods to protect and validate your data, the level of trust and assertion they provide varies.

Extended Validation Certificates offer the highest level of validation and trust. They validate and display the name and location of companies and organisations to give customers added confidence when dealing with businesses online.

Domain Validation (DV)

Organization Validation (OV)

Extended Validation (EV)

Learn more about Extended Validation SSL Certificates

While the need for online security is universal, not all SSL Certificates are created equal. The guide below is designed to help you decide which type of certificate is right for you.

Domain Validation (DV)

  • Verifies ownership and control of the domain name only
  • Issued in minutes
  • Maintains browser compliance

Ideal for non-critical web pages

Think of DV like getting a library card—no confirmation of who you really are, very minimal requirements to obtain and issued very quickly.

Browse Domain Validation Certificates

Organization Validation (OV)

  • Enhanced validation including authenticating the identity of the applicant
  • Issued within one day
  • Maintains browser compliance

Ideal for more sensitive webpages such as login pages

Think of OV like getting a driver’s license—more hoops to jump through than a library card but more trusted as a form of identification.

Browse Organization Validation Certificates

Extended Validation (EV)

  • Standards-based approach to authentication, representing the highest level of authentication for SSL Certificates
  • Typically issued within 1-3 days
  • Maintains browser and other industry compliance

Ideal for sensitive webpages including ecommerce, online banking, account signups

Think of EV like getting a passport—much more stringent processes, longer lead times and more verification of who you are than with a library card or driver’s license. Recognized internationally as the most trusted way to verify your identity.

Browse Extended Validation Certificates
  • RapidSSL

    RapidSSL® 证书通过高达 256 位的数据加密和站点身份验证帮助您确保客户交易的安全。购买证书并通过自动域控制验证加快注册速度。最重要的是,我们的 SSL 证书是业内最实惠的证书之一。我们降低成本并将节省的费用转嫁给您。

    $16.75 USD/yr
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  • GeoTrust QuickSSL 高级版

    快速保护您的网站。GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium 证书是您开始使用 SSL 保护在线交易和应用程序的最快捷方式之一。通过自动身份验证和颁发过程,只需几分钟即可获得您的 QuickSSL Premium SSL 证书。之后,管理和更新您的证书是一件轻而易举的事。使用 GeoTrust,您可以在不牺牲便利性、选择或可靠性的情况下获得廉价的 SSL。

    $73.73 USD/yr
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  • RapidSSL 通配符

    RapidSSL® 通配符证书通过向 * 颁发的一份低成本 SSL 证书帮助您保护多个子域。使用高达 256 位的加密保护您客户的个人数据。自动域控制验证使站点身份验证变得轻而易举。在 RapidSSL,我们相信以具有竞争力的价格提供您所需的 SSL 保护。

    $139.07 USD/yr
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  • GeoTrust QuickSSL 高级通配符

    快速保护您的域和所有相同级别的子域。GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium 通配符证书是在单个证书上开始保护所有子域的最快方法之一。我们的自动电子邮件身份验证流程意味着您可以在几分钟内获得证书。使用 QuickSSL Premium 通配符证书,您可以获得无限的子域和无限数量的服务器 - 一个将随着您的业务增长而适应的证书。

    $260.40 USD/yr
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  • GeoTrust True Business ID Wildcard

    使用通配符证书方便地简化证书管理。GeoTrust® True BusinessID 通配符证书允许您在单个证书上保护多个子域,从而减少管理时间和成本。无论是您公司的主页还是邮件服务器的主机名,保护敏感信息都是您的目标——这也是我们的目标。

    $409.73 USD/yr
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  • GeoTrust True BusinessID

    企业级 SSL——只有更好。在为您的企业选择 SSL 安全性时,您有很多选择。使用 GeoTrust,决策很容易。GeoTrust® True BusinessID SSL 证书让您的客户知道您的站点是值得信赖的,并且您非常重视他们的安全性,以便从全球受信任的证书颁发机构获得您的证书。

    $148.40 USD/yr
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  • DigiCert 安全站点

    使用 Secure Site SSL 证书通过工业级 2048 位加密保护您的网站或电子邮件流量。

    $418.13 USD/yr
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  • DigiCert Secure Site Pro

    使用 Secure Site Pro SSL 提供具有附加功能的高保证证书,以实现全面的网站安全性。

    $928.67 USD/yr
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  • GeoTrust True Business ID with EV

    使用绿色地址栏做出强有力的安全声明。GeoTrust® True BusinessID with EV(Extended Validation)是我们优质的企业级 SSL 安全产品,可直观地确认 SSL 证书中可用的最高级别身份验证。绿条说明了一切。当地址栏在他们的高安全性浏览器中变为绿色并且组织字段开始在您的公司名称和 GeoTrust 之间轮换时,网站访问者会真正注意到。

    $232.40 USD/yr
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  • DigiCert 安全站点 EV

    Secure Site Extended Validation (EV) SSL 证书可保护您最宝贵的资产(您的客户和您的品牌)免受网络钓鱼诈骗和在线欺诈的侵害。

    $928.67 USD/yr
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  • DigiCert Secure Site Pro EV

    Secure Site Pro EV SSL 是最高的身份验证,具有额外的功能,可提供全面的网站安全性和针对身份攻击的强大保护。

    $1,399.07 USD/yr
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Multi-Year SSL Certificates

Multi-year certificates allow you to pay a single discounted price for two or three years of SSL certificate coverage. When you purchase a multi-year SSL certificate, you lock in a single price for up to 3 years of coverage.

Initially, you will receive a certificate that is valid for the Certificate Authority Browser Forum's maximum allowed term (1 year and 1 month) with the right to unlimited certificate reissues during the order period.

Automated reissuance will occur automatically throughout the term to ensure continued protection for your website.

For example, a 2-year SSL certificate order works as follows:

SSL certificate lifecycle

SSL certificates must be revalidated periodically. The maximum certificate lifetime is 13 months, requiring revalidation annually.


  • Enjoy increasing discounts for each year of coverage that you purchase.
  • Remove the hassle of annual billing.
  • Annual validation. Yearly validation of identity in shorter validity certificates prevents potential fraud and spoofing.


What is an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates enable data encryption on the internet and allow data to be transmitted securely from a web server to a browser. With SSL, your website can use the https protocol and will display a padlock in end users web browsers to indicate the connection is secure.

Why do I need an SSL Certificate?

SSL Certificates are an essential part of the internet. They not only encrypt communication between your computer and the server where a website is located, but they also provide verification that a site is what it claims to be.

What are the different types of SSL?

There are 3 different levels of vetting that SSL Certificates are based upon. Domain Validated (DV) , Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV). The major difference between the types of certificate relates to the information the Certificate Authority, RapidSSL, GeoTrust and DigiCert, requires and validates in order to issue a certificate. The higher levels of certificate require more information, and often is displayed in the browser bar. EV SSL for example turns the browser bar green and displays the organization name to visitors to generate more trust.

What is a Wildcard SSL Certificate

A Wildcard SSL certificate provides the same encryption and authentication features as other SSL certificates but can also be applied to an unlimited number of subdomains of a website. A Wildcard SSL certificate supports the root domain ( as well as its subdomains. Learn more

What are the advantages of an EV SSL Certificate?

EV or Extended Validation certificates are the highest class of SSL available and give the most credibility and trust to your website. EV assures consumers that their personal and financial information is protected at the highest levels of authentication. Additional verifications are performed, such as corporate agency record checks, applicant contact info, and whether the business has existed for a minimum of 3 years. EV certificates are best suited for business-critical webpages.

Our SSL certificates are from some of the most trusted brands in Online Security.